IBM IaaS Cloud Solutions

  • Save on the costs of buying and maintaining hardware.

  • Instead of purchasing hardware, pay for IaaS on demand.

  • Infrastructure is scalable depending on storage and processing needs.

  • Data is on the cloud, eliminating a single point of failure.

  • Virtualize administrative tasks and free up more time.

Bare Metal Servers

Bare metal servers provide customers sole access to the entire server. Unlike a virtual server with multiple tenants, the pure bare metal server is one that is both single tenant and is offered without a hypervisor, thereby eliminating the “noisy neighbor” effect as well as any performance “tax” from the hypervisor.

Virtual Servers

Virtual servers are scalable and come with dedicated core and memory allocations. They are a great option if you are looking for compute resources, that can be added in minutes, with access to features like image templates.