Home > Juniper Routers > MX5 Universal Edge Router Juniper MX5 Router The MX5 3D Universal Edge Router is optimized for space and power constrained facilities. It has a system capacity of 20 Gbps and is software upgradeable. The MX5 has one MIC slot with 20 port Gigabit Ethernet MIC enabled. Get a Quote Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastCompany or Organization Name *Email *PhoneLet Us Know What You Need * You need to enable Javascript for the anti-spam check.Get A Fast Quote Specs & Features Expand Juniper MX Series Spec Sheet Juniper MX Series Hardware Guide Features Service Agility Ability to incorporate services inline and via MS-MIC provides new revenue opportunities in business and residential markets. Compact Design At 2 U, the full-featured MX5 is an ideal choice for space- and power-constrained facilities. Related Products MX10 Router MX40 Router Categories Storage Server Security Switch Router Firewall